At Alabama Pro Wash, we specialize in professional roof washing, ensuring that your home or business remains in optimal condition.
Those unsightly black streaks you see on your roof are often the result of algae and mold growth. These organisms thrive in the warm, humid climate of Alabama and can cause more damage than you might think. Not only do they compromise your roof’s appearance, but they also eat away at the roofing materials, potentially leading to costly repairs or replacements if left untreated.
Fortunately, with our roof washing service, the black streaks will be eliminated, revealing a cleaner, more attractive roof that enhances your property’s overall appeal. Contact us today in Tuscaloosa, Northport or Bessemer, AL to restore your roof’s beauty and functionality.
We're experts in cleaning nearly every kind of roof material.
We're approved by the prestigious American Roof Manufacturers Association, which is the pinnacle of expertise in our industry.
Restore your roof to its “like-new” appearance with our professional roof washing service.
We've earned the approval of Tamko and GAF roof materials manufacturers. They trust us, and so can you.